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We deliver results…

Total Media is the only media agency built on the principles of Behavioural Science; from our people to our methodology to our use of technology. Today’s business environment is becoming increasingly challenging and disrupted and we can no longer rely on the traditional demographics to understand, identify and target people.

…through understanding people…

Whilst new technology, media and content solutions continue to emerge, none of these are being used to their full potential. Instead outdated socio-demographic filters and basic media usage “signals” continue to dominate the planning and buying process.

…to create effective media solutions.

It is through our understanding of consumers; how they think, feel and act, that we are able to plan around people’s behaviours and influence them for the benefit of our clients. All of which enables us to help resolve the enormous array of business challenges that our clients face as a consequence of such disruption.

The team on the ground in Cannes

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